Chernov Team Real Estate

Take Advantage of “Winter” in Los Angeles When Selling Your Home

        Let’s be fair, if you live in Studio City, Sherman Oaks, Encino, or pretty much anywhere else in Southern California, phrases like “winter weather” are typically accompanied by a smirk or a wink – we don’t get much winter. However, there is a brief period of time where the weather feels close enough to “winter” – like when the high for the day is 74 degrees. Despite what you might think, the winter can work to a home seller’s advantage, there are generally less houses for sale on the market during the cold season, which allows a seller a brief-window of a higher equilibrium selling point (when supply is less than demand, the equilibrium price necessarily increases). This article will briefly discuss a few “winter” tweaks you can make to the presentation of your home, which will ultimately make selling your home easier.

Curb Appeal is King

        If you have been following our blog, you’re probably getting tired of hearing us talk about curb appeal. However, the fact that it is almost always discussed should tell you just how important a prospective buyer’s first impression of your home can be.  Don’t be afraid to add winter themed décor to your yard, put up some evergreens in front of your home to really make your house “pop.”

A Warm House is an Inviting House

        We all have an obligation to be environmentally friendly, which generally means not blasting the heat all day every day (it’s wasteful). However, exceptions can be made when you are showing your home to prospective buyers; you don’t want them thinking your home is simply incapable of getting warm – crank the heat up before a viewing to create a warm inviting atmosphere that people want to live in.

Tis’ the Season, It Should Smell That Way

        Hopefully we don’t need to tell you that it’s a good idea to thoroughly clean your house prior to showing it to prospective buyers, but a lot of people miss an opportunity after cleaning their homes; get seasonal candles, air fresheners, or anything else that fills your house with the aroma of the holidays; a good idea might be to cook something with seasonal scents like cloves, cinnamon, and orange – the aroma will waft throughout your home, making it feel like a great place to live. Don’t skimp on freshly baked goods – nobody associates fresh cookies with unpleasant things.

Now You Have an Excuse to Put Up Christmas Decorations Early

        Typically, people roll their eyes when they pass a house decked out in Christmas garb in November. However, if you are selling your home, it’s a good idea to go all out on your holiday décor. Don’t go too far down the rabbit hole and make your home look like the houses on Lifetime Christmas specials, but have fun – if you get a free pass when people bust your chops about putting up decorations early.  As noted around this time last year, decorating your home like it’s lived in is important, and the holidays provide a perfect opportunity for that; people want to be able to imagine what their family gatherings could be like, and holiday decorations really help complete the picture.

        At the Chernov Team we take pride in understanding the intricacies of the housing market, and that includes understanding little tricks that help sell your home. The holidays are a great opportunity to truly showcase all that your home could be, and you shouldn’t squander that opportunity. However, the Chernov Team encourages you to take down your decorations once the time has passed – it’s a little crazy to have Christmas decorations up in March. From all of us at the Chernov Team, we wish you a very merry, happy, holiday!

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