Chernov Team Real Estate

Who Are You Kidding, You Have a Few Hours to Spare – Sprucing Up Your House

        In Southern California, the generally warm weather tends to make us a little complacent when it comes to taking care of our houses, not to mention when it comes to sprucing up our homes. However, just a few hours here and there can have a tremendous impact on the appearance of your home and therefore your ability to sell it. Of course, this begs the question, “where the heck do I start?” This article will provide a few easy-to-do improvements on your home that work regardless of whether you only have a few hours to spare or the entire weekend!

Make a Splash with Your Kitchen Backsplash

        We don’t mean to seem elitist, so we are aware that some kitchens don’t have a backsplash, and some kitchens have backsplashes in a state of disrepair; don’t despair, set aside a between a half day and two days and all your house guests will marvel at your kitchen. The backsplash in the kitchen generally only takes up about 30 ft2, but that’s why it’s the perfect project for amateurs who just want their house to look nice. All you need is a score tool, tile cutter/ wet saw, grout, joint compound, joint knife, and a power drill.

Smart Thermostats Are a Smart Idea

        Grab your screwdriver out of the garage, block out an hour or so, and do yourself a favor by installing a smart thermostat. A smart thermostat ultimately saves you money on your energy bills, and makes you look like a technologically advanced savant. It’s a good idea to research the smart thermostat you will be installing before purchasing it, as there are a number of different brands out there. Like most DIY projects, of course, make sure to read the instructions.

Make Additional Storage Space, and Who Knows What’s in Store for You

        Once again, block out between 2 – 6 hours, grab a power drill and a screwdriver, and make your home the pinnacle of efficiency. Mounting a shelf above the table will create a great place for all the clutter you likely have lying around as decoration and just can’t part with. If you have dogs, this is a great place to install hooks to hang their leashes.

We Don’t Have Anything Clever for This, Change Out Your Showerheads

        This one will take an hour at most, and only requires a wrench and some pliers. If you have never changed your shower head, we recommend that you don’t look at it closely. We’ll wait. Now that you disregarded what we just suggested and took a look anyways, you noticed that it wasn’t particularly appealing. Fear not, head to home depot and grab a new showerhead; it won’t break the bank. Newer showerheads have the added advantage of being more efficient (using less water) while still providing the sensation that you are actually getting more pressure, who doesn’t like winning twice?

        At the Chernov Team, we pride ourselves on our knowledge of the housing market, the finances surrounding homeownership, and the little tips and tricks that go into maintaining your house like a superstar. We also pride ourselves on providing that information to everyone who will listen. People who love their work tend be better at it, and we certainly do love our work.

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