Chernov Team Real Estate


Let’s be honest, if money weren’t an issue you’d probably completely redesign your home every few months – there is something fun about giving rooms an entirely new feel.Unfortunately, money is an issue for most of us, and we are left daydreaming about what might have been. Here’s a secret though, you don’t have to break the bank to change the vibe of a room – you don’t have to completely redo everything in the room to accomplish your goal; often times it’s the small details that really define a room anyways. This article will briefly discuss some of those “small details” that won’t force you to obtain a second mortgage.

To put it plainly, adding color to a room goes a long way towards making that room feel brand spanking new. While colored doors are usually reserved for the exterior of your home, you are missing a very real opportunity to spice up the color scheme of any given room. That’s right, we are advocating painting your interior doors with vibrant colors. If that’s not up your alley, you can also paint the inside of shelving areas, window frames, moldings, or just a thin band around the ceiling; the idea is to create a vibrant contrast.

Sometimes, it’s a good idea to change the location of your artwork. Logically, it makes sense to spread your art throughout your house, but a room looks a whole lot different when all your paintings and pictures are strategically placed together. If you really want to spice things up, invest in matching frames (matching the color scheme of your room) and watch your bland living room turn into the Louvre (ok, maybe not that extreme).

Yet another idea for changing the vibe of a room is to simply change lampshades! It seems so simple, but you can really give your room a whole new look for minimal effort. Alternatively, if you have a lot of area rugs, consider layering them for added depth. The absolute easiest way to change the vibe of a room is to change the room’s purpose. Your children have left for college? Change their bedroom into your own personal fitness center! Another classic method of sprucing up your home is to invest in small plants – not only is it calming to care for plants, but it really adds an additional level of beauty to any given room.

While sprucing up your house is usually for your own peace of mind and happiness, never forget that if you ever want to sell your home those efforts will pay dividends. People can tell when owners take an interest in turning their house into a home, and those little details will really drive the point home.

At the Chernov Team we understand that knowledge is power, and knowledge of how to make your house just a little more appealing is powerful knowledge indeed. At the Chernov Team we know that whoever comes to the table most prepared leaves with the most, and the Chernov Team always leaves the table with the most.

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