Chernov Team Real Estate

Happy Holidays, Let’s Sell Your House!

        Many home sellers attempt to sell their homes near the tail end of the year and are often under significant stress as a result. Many homeowners consider putting their attempts to sell their home on pause until the new year, but that isn’t necessary. It’s these crunch time situations that set apart run-of-the-mill real estate agents and experts in the field.

        Here’s a secret, while the home-seller is eager to sell their home prior to the holiday season beginning in earnest, there are also a number of buyers who are equally eager to purchase the home prior to the holiday season beginning in earnest. So as long as you didn’t earn a coal in your stocking from Santa this year, it is entirely possible to have your gingerbread house and eat it too. This article will briefly address 3 tricks to sell your home fast, especially during this hectic time of year.

1. It’s Holiday Season, You Have Extra Leeway to Show Off Your Home’s Holiday Features

        A little bit of common sense goes a long way when attempting to sell a home. People eager to purchase a home prior to the holiday season probably want to live in that home prior to the holiday season. As such, there are two safe bets: (1) they will be more interested in homes that show off how beautiful it can be during the holidays, and (2) they are eager to move the transaction along quickly.

        Since it is the holiday season, the home seller has a lot more freedom in decorating their houses (imagine the difference of going to an open house during Christmas season and season a house fully decked out in Christmas decorations vs. seeing the same house and decorations in the middle of July; the two houses send completely different messages, and the only difference is the time of year). Go all out on Christmas decorations, consider hiring a professional – the amount of money you put into decorating your house with holiday spirit could be a very worthwhile investment if it results in a quick and easy home sale. Remember, people seeking to purchase a home during the holiday seasons are likely to put more weight in your home’s holiday décor than others.

2. Don’t Get Weird with Your Holiday Decorations – Nobody Wants to be That House

        The fact of the matter is that houses have the ability to look their absolute best during the holiday season, many norms of home decoration are put on pause during this season in exchange for far more boisterous designs and themes. However, everything in moderation. You want to avoid making your house look like the Sears catalogue threw up all over it. Keep in mind that a potential buyer’s first impression of your home is a critical factor in whether or not you will complete the sale. People looking for homes during the holiday seasons want to be able to picture what their life could be like in your home during the holiday seasons – if it’s an absolute mess, they probably won’t like it.

3. Since the Normal Rules Don’t Apply During the Holiday Season, Make a Themed Open House

        Another perk of trying to sell your home during the holiday seasons is that the standard rules of selling a home don’t all apply in equal force. As you’ve probably gathered already, a key rule that does not apply is how you decorate for prospective buyers. Why not take this freedom one step further? If it’s near Thanksgiving, why not decorate the interior of your home as though it was prepared for a Thanksgiving Dinner and invite the neighborhood (as well as would-be buyers) to an open house themed on the greatest family dinner of the year? Similarly, if it is close to Christmas, why not design your house to look like it’s Christmas morning? The rules don’t apply in full force, and the when the rules aren’t in full effect you can really let your creativity shine.

        While there are many more tricks you can use to sell your home during the holiday season, the major takeaway from this article is that you are allowed the most freedom in creative sales tactics during the holiday season. This becomes truer when you consider the fact that people looking to buy during the holiday season are motivated, in part, by having a new home for the holiday season.

        At the Chernov Team we understand that whoever shows up to the table most prepared leaves with the most, and the Chernov Team always leaves with the most.

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