Chernov Team Real Estate

Didn’t Finish Gift Shopping? Your Secret is Safe With Us

        Chances are you still haven’t gotten all your Christmas shopping done; you’re not alone. Of course, the trick with last minute gifts is making it look like they’re not last-minute gifts at all, but part of a finely crafted plan that was set into motion months ago. The Art of the Gift if you will. A great way to accomplish this goal is to get them something for the home, it’s nowhere near as obvious as a cheesy book, or socks; you can absolutely come out looking like the person who plans things months in advance. Also, given the time crunch you are likely on, you’re going to want gifts that can be delivered quickly… enter… Amazon Prime! Below is a short list of Amazon Prime items for the home that will appear to be thoughtful gifts.

Echo Dot

        You show us a person who claims to not be at least a little bit curious about a home assistant, and we will show you a liar. The Echo Dot runs about $30.00 and has been purchased by someone connected to this blog. Hint, it’s the author. At worst, the Echo Dot will pay for in entertainment. At best, the Echo Dot will revolutionize your life and help you in avoiding those awkward moments where you have to admit to your significant other that you forgot to do something; this is not autobiographical at all.

A Bartender Gift Set

        We all have a friend who worked at a bar for a semester in college, and believes they are God’s gift to mixology. That hubris will blind them to the reality that you just grabbed something last minute, and they will believe that you are actually a believer in their awesome skills. Even if they don’t use it, it is a great conversation starter about that time they corrected someone about how to make a drink during their semester abroad somewhere. All of this can be yours for the low cost of $30.

Coffee Makers

        Maybe you don’t have an obnoxious friend who can use a bartender gift set, but everybody needs coffee. You show us someone who says they don’t need coffee, and we’ll show you a liar (see the pattern here?). Co-worker who is always grumpy in the morning? They will swoon at how thoughtful you are, having given them a new lease on life vis-à-vis morning energy. Getting them a bed with only the right side to wake up on is very expensive, coffee is cheap.

A Cute Throw Pillow

        Your friends will never guess that you might have just been lazy when you get them a comfortable pillow to be lazy on themselves. Make sure it matches their furniture though, or the jig will be up faster than you can say “why doesn’t this pillow match anything?”

A Cabby for the Bath

        We all have that one friend who swears that baths are the path to true relaxation. While their theory is not supported by science, they did just give you an easy out during the holidays. Grab a bathtub caddy for them with a couple scented candles, soaps, and bath bombs… and you are going to win Christmas.

        At the Chernov Team, we like to stay on top of all things real estate, particularly in the Studio City, Sherman Oaks, and Encino areas. However, we’re also human and understand the stress of last-minute gift-shopping (everybody does it, why the stigma?). To that end, we hope these gift ideas get you out of hot water and make you the undisputed champ of this Holiday Season.

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