Chernov Team Real Estate

A Kitchen Is The Most Important Room in the House: How to Maximize its Value

Home owners exist on a bell-curve-like spectrum; people who purchase homes solely for the purpose of living there forever and ever, and people who purchase homes solely to flip them occupy the extreme ranges (5th and 95th percentile if we want to stick with the bell-curve concept). Meanwhile, the vast majority of people purchase homes for a mix of those two purposes. This article will briefly discuss how to maximize your return on investment (“ROI”), while simultaneously making your kitchen the best room in the house. Make no mistake, there is ample evidence that homes with sexy kitchens sell for more money, more quickly.
If your kitchen has a lot of counter space (if it’s a good kitchen, it has counterspace; if it doesn’t have counter space, make some), it’s not a bad idea to make it stand out. Granite and laminate are so 2000 and late (as is that saying), and quartz is the way to go. Aside from the fact that there is a myriad of options when installing quartz countertops, quartz is more environmentally friendly and easy to clean – oh, and it gets you a better ROI.
It is a weird psychological phenomenon, but people tend to not notice things the more they are exposed to them; we become so used to things, positive or negative, that they no longer register in our minds. Thus, bad lighting has a sneaky way of surviving when a homeowner doesn’t do anything about it and becomes used to it instead. Try to look at your lighting situation with fresh eyes, and don’t forget that under-the-counter lighting is becoming fashionable. Keeping with bad things you stop noticing after a while, invest in a nice quiet dishwasher. You will almost certainly get a fantastic ROI.
Next, it would be foolish to ignore the fact that COVID has changed the way most of us interact with our kitchen. As a simple example, it’s a good bet that you spent more time in your kitchen than you did pre-COVID, and there’s a good chance you’ve learned to cook just a little bit better. Regardless, prospective home buyers went through the same process, and will appreciate a kitchen that accounts for the paradigm shift; consider installing a place to store booze as well (you think I am joking, but I am not – alcohol sales went through the roof during COVID, and there’s a good chance a prospective buyer will eyeball that storage space and decide they need this house).
Finally, spend the time and money to get your kitchen clean; it pays dividends. Put differently, if your kitchen is dirty, you will never sell your house for top dollar. If it sparkles every time a beam of light strikes it, you will probably sell it for maximum value.
At the Chernov Team we understand that knowledge is power and knowledge of how to maximize the ROI into your kitchen is powerful knowledge indeed. At the Chernov Team we know that whoever comes to the table most prepared leaves with the most, and the Chernov Team always leaves the table with the most.

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